A Path Walked Alone

Terry Olandis Byas
2 min readDec 21, 2018


When does your heartbeat begin and when does it, end to complete the circle of existence that you were born into. The thought of you in the whispering ear of the universe and manifested in the physical realm of the possible life cycle that brings you in the collective conscious. When you first walk in the element of existence you will go through the thought processes of the environment that you are in. As you grow up you will go be in circumstances that will be the lessons of life that you will be able to forge your path to the roads of the howling wolves of either the Darkness or the Light at all depends on which way you’ll walk and which one you feed.

Now that you are an adult you have grown into the purpose that you were born to do, but something got in your way. Maybe it was the environment that you’re in or the mental block that you were plagued with, in the dismissal actions of the society that is within your thoughts. Whatever it was, treat it like a cup of coffee, once you’re through with it and it is no longer of any use to you, toss it in the trash where the rest of the thoughts and actions that you will come across on a daily basis. As we grow old in the advancement of the ages, everything will seem like an event of repeats, styles will come in and out, what seems new to the person that is doing it you have seen before like the glitch in the matrix of deja vu. Now you know the end of your physical existence is coming.

Your breathing becomes shallow and your body is convulsing from you trying to fight the inevitable extinguishing of your life force. The heart is beating slower, the eyes are losing sight, the chasm of the spirit and soul is coming together in close proximity of each other. You’re about to experience the ending of the era that which you were born, the reward for living for so many years that brought forth many ideologies. Your psyche is preparing to go into permanent stasis, we all prepare for this day and when the smoke clears and the day is done, we take our final breath and go into the exaltation of death and leave behind memories and store from the days that were lived by the witnesses of your life.

Terry O. Byas



Terry Olandis Byas

I'm a writer of cannabis, spirituality and philosophy. I'm also the host of a podcast The "BLUNT" Truth.