Marijuana is not a Gateway Drug

Terry Olandis Byas
2 min readApr 26, 2020


My experience with Marijuana over the years has been met with agreements and opposition. I grew up in the church, we were always told that things such as the so-called drugs of this world were from Satan and we should never partake. Also, people of “God” don’t do things that are part of Satan’s evil plot to bring us to Hell with him to suffer for eternity.

On Sunday, when I was 13, the minister of the church, was doing a sermon on Marijuana. He preached for about 2 hours on that subject, telling stories about people he knew that used Marijuana, that it is a “gateway drug” that could lead to other things. You know the cliche’ commercial bullshit that every uptight asshole says.

I asked a question after the sermon. I asked, “if Marijuana is a gateway drug, who controls the gateway?” He said, “well Satan controls the gateway.” I asked another question, “how can Satan control something that was ‘created’ by ‘God’ including Satan ‘himself’? He says, “well when ‘God’ created the heavens and earth, ‘he’ gave everyone freewill.” With that answer, I said this, “if we’re to believe that ‘God’ created everything in the Universe, then that would include not just Marijuana, but every plant, tree, blade of grass, the air, the ocean, and child. So how can something that the god we supposedly pray to create something evil.”

To me in essence, that anyone who prays to a god, says something that their god created is evil, they’re calling their god evil. That’s why anyone that smokes, vapes or eat weed, definitely drop religion and all its teachings and enjoy it. Do it thou wit. I leave the final line of this article to say this: there isn’t such thing as a gateway drug, weed is not evil, the only “GATEWAY DRUG”, is the human mind and only you can determine if you want to something else.



Terry Olandis Byas

I'm a writer of cannabis, spirituality and philosophy. I'm also the host of a podcast The "BLUNT" Truth.