I’m Not an Atheist

Terry Olandis Byas
2 min readDec 14, 2018


I’m not an Atheist, I just don’t believe the false dichotomy of the so-called religious society that has been instilled in us forcefully. Brainwashing the masses with a fear of disrespecting someone's beliefs, look at the word BELIEF, you can’t have the belief without the L.I.E. that you tell me. I’m not an Atheist, I just don’t believe in your so-called prophets that are given to the people on a daily basis for the profits, don’t believe the hype they have been giving you the pipe ever since the first con-artist meet the first fool when you didn’t have the knowledge to know better without a good tool. I’m not an Atheist, prove to me your god even exists in the confines of your religion, so I can get the whole truth I’ll listen until such time comes, I can use my vision to see any physical attribute that can be proven but I’m not an Atheist.

Respect is given when it is earned, I don’t need a religion to tell me not to play in the fire or I will get burned, stand on my own 2 and remember in this life what you have learned. You were born with everything you needed and the resources to get to where you need to be and you didn’t have to have someone to commit suicide on a tree, for you to live your life the best way you can, as long as you remember you control everything you do and that is the best plan. Religion is a fallacy of a manmade reality, you belong to yourself no need to follow a locked up society. They put you in a crowded box and say “this is how we want you to fit”, get yourself some knowledge, and know a little bit of everything so they can’t tell you shit. Thought processes of people are fucked up they want you to show them respect over an inanimate object called religion, prospective mates are being picked based on sharing the same religious bullshit. When you realize nobody is coming to save you from the dark abyss of the non-effective actions that are in your space when you have knowledge no one can come to your face about the contradiction of the bible, oops I’m sorry I meant buybull, you bought the bull and that got you wearing idols, like a cross. Look at what is being said, not what will happen to you when you are dead. You live plenty of days you only die once, live it up, lift your head high and look in the reflection of the mirror image and that is where you’ll see the real power. Damn that almost sound like a Satanist, I’m not that either, and I’m not an Atheist.

Terry Byas



Terry Olandis Byas

I'm a writer of cannabis, spirituality and philosophy. I'm also the host of a podcast The "BLUNT" Truth.